Diesel Fuel
We Deliver Farm Diesel, On Road Diesel & Off Road Diesel

So what is the difference?
On Road Diesel
As the name suggests, legal for vehicles to use on the road. This is the kind of diesel that you’d find being dispensed at gas stations. Any vehicle licensed for use on roads in the United States is required to use on-road diesel.
Off Road Diesel
Meant for any machine not being driven on the road, like tractors, construction equipment, and generators. It is NOT legal to put off-road diesel in a vehicle that drives on roads. In addition, putting off-road diesel in an on road vehicle can result in significant fines.

The Difference in Dye
On-road diesel is sometimes called “clear diesel” because, as the name suggests– it’s clear. Off-road diesel, on the other hand, is called “dyed diesel” or “red diesel” because it’s usually dyed the color red. The dye is used so people don’t get the types of diesel mixed up, and also allows for simple testing to determine what kind of diesel is being used in a vehicle at a glance.
On-road diesel and off-road diesel are essentially the same product in the end. The required specification for both new on-road vehicles and new off-road equipment is Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) having no more than 15 ppm Sulphur.